

Factors Influencing Work-Related Use of Smartphones : An Empirical Investigation


JaeSung Park, HeeOck Rho, Joon Koh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper touches the limitations of existing theories related to technology acceptance, which mainly focus on users’ perceived ease of use and usefulness, and proposes the role for sensory capabilities and enjoyment in understanding smartphone use. Furthermore, we develop a model that explains smartphone usage and intention to use it for a task and analyzes 442 questionnaire survey responses of smartphone users. First, perceived usefulness, perceived sensory capability, and perceived enjoyment influenced smartphone usage. Second, we found that both perceived usefulness and smartphone use were significantly associated with users’ intention to utilize the smartphone for their job-related tasks. Finally, both perceived sensory capability and enjoyment were found to be more powerful factors than ease of use in explaining smartphone use. From the study findings, implications and future research directions are also discussed.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
  2.1. Development of Technology Acceptance Theories
  2.2. Utilization of Smartphones and Intention to Use for Tasks
 Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypotheses
 Ⅳ. Methodology
  4.1. Measurement Items
  4.2. Data Collection
  4.3. Measurement Model Assessment
 Ⅴ. Results
 Ⅵ. Discussion and Implications
 Ⅶ. Conclusions and Study Limitations


  • JaeSung Park Principal research associate, Business Incubating Center, Chonnam National University, Korea
  • HeeOck Rho Manager, Policy Planning Department, Gwangju Institute of Green-Car Advancement, Korea
  • Joon Koh Professor, College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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