제어 능력 : 중국 질병 관리 협력 체계의 핵심 경쟁력
위기관리 이론과 실천
위기관리 이론과 실천 학술대회
세월호 참사 3주기 추모 위기관리 학술대회 및 The 4th Global Crisisonomy Symposium
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
1. Introduction
2. Chinese Government Disaster Management System
2.1 The Law System of Emergency Management in China
2.2 The Public Emergency Plan System
2.3 The Classification of Public Emergency and Natural Disasters
2.4 The Organization System of Natural Disaster management
2.4 Operation Mechanism
3. Disaster Management System: Integrated and Segregated
3.1 Integrated and Segregated Disaster Management System
3.2 Cooperation in Disaster Management System of China
4. Case Study: The Cooperation in Eastern Star Response
4.1 Cooperation at the State Level
4.2 Cooperation between Central Government and Local Government
4.3 Cooperation among Government Agencies at Local Level.
5. The Critical Factors for Chinese Disaster Reduction System
5.1 China’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
5.2 Control Ability of Chinese Government
6. Conclusion
2. Chinese Government Disaster Management System
2.1 The Law System of Emergency Management in China
2.2 The Public Emergency Plan System
2.3 The Classification of Public Emergency and Natural Disasters
2.4 The Organization System of Natural Disaster management
2.4 Operation Mechanism
3. Disaster Management System: Integrated and Segregated
3.1 Integrated and Segregated Disaster Management System
3.2 Cooperation in Disaster Management System of China
4. Case Study: The Cooperation in Eastern Star Response
4.1 Cooperation at the State Level
4.2 Cooperation between Central Government and Local Government
4.3 Cooperation among Government Agencies at Local Level.
5. The Critical Factors for Chinese Disaster Reduction System
5.1 China’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
5.2 Control Ability of Chinese Government
6. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보