

The practical difficulties and path optimization of primary school to promote emergency education in china



Proceed with work of emergency education in elementary school is the basis of enhancing the level of emergency management. Through the analysis and summary of related concepts to emergency education, the paper defined the concept of emergency education, With the basics of which to look deeply into the current situation and difficulties of the primary school to push emergency education in our country from the aspect of the government, society and schools. Then, the paper put forward the path optimization of the primary school to push emergency education from the aspect of perfecting laws and regulations, facilitating social participation, standardizing the education content, and making evaluation mechanism.


 The definition of the concept of emergency education in primary school
 The present situation of the implementation of emergency education in china
  1) The government level
  2) The society level
  3) The school level
 The practical difficulties of primary school to promote emergency education in china
 The path optimization of our primary school to promote emergency education
  1) To perfect laws and regulations
  2) To promote social participation
  3) To standard education content
  4) To make evaluation mechanism
 The conclusion


  • JI dong-yan Research center of Safety and Emergency management, Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003,China; School of Emergency management,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003,China)
  • WU xiao-tao Research center of Safety and Emergency management, Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003,China; School of Emergency management,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003,China)

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