

Impact of Strategies-based Instruction on Inferential, Intrapersonal, and Literacy Skills Development : A Longitudinal Study


Shima Ghahari, Fakhri Ebrahimi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The learner-centered nature of strategies-based instruction (SBI), which promote language learning and human growth processes, along with the mental processing hypothesis with its stress on optimal cognitive load as a learning prerequisite, provided the incentive to this study. We investigated the contribution of a one-year-long SBI to the nurturing of intrapersonal skills (psychological outcome), and inferential knowledge and reading ability (educational benefits). Forty undergraduates experienced strategy training (treatment group) and normal reading instruction (control group) for 50 class sessions over two consecutive semesters. The treatment group practiced strategy training and higher-order (critical and creative) reading processing, while the control group experienced traditional instruction mainly focused on comprehension checks, vocabulary development, and writing activities. SBI significantly contributed to the promotion of intrapersonal, reading, and inferential skills, but was ineffective for display knowledge development. The results were accounted for in light of the information processing and mental effort hypotheses and were consistent with human development and education for life paradigms.


 Current Study
  Sample and Setting
  Data Collection Procedure
  Reliability Measures
 Discussion and Conclusion
 The Authors


  • Shima Ghahari Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
  • Fakhri Ebrahimi Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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