

Development of a Virtual Pitching System in Screen Baseball Game




In recent years, indoor simulated sports have become widely used, and screen baseball system has emerged that can play baseball in indoor space. In this paper, we propose a virtual pitching system that can improve the realism of screen baseball game. This virtual pitching system is characterized in that it uses a transmissive screen in the form of a pitching machine without a pitching hole and installed on the back of the screen. Therefore, unlike existing systems where pitching holes are formed on the screen, it enhances the immersion feeling of displayed images. Also, in this pitching system, the synchronization algorithm between the pitching machine and the virtual pitcher is used to form a sense of unity between the virtual pitcher and the ball according to various types of virtual pitchers, thereby enhancing the reality of baseball games.


 1. Introduction
 2. Screen Baseball System
 3. Virtual Pitching System
  3.1 Virtual Pitcher Type
  3.2 Synchronization of Virtual Pitcher and Pitching Ball
  3.3 Virtual Pitching Flow
 4. Conclusion


  • Meekyung Min Dept. of Computer Science, Seokyeong University, Seoul, Korea
  • Kapsu Kim Dept. of Computer Education, Seoul National University of Education, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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