

Application on the New Technology of Construction Structures Disaster Protection Management based on Spatial Information




The disaster monitoring technique by combination of the measurement method and the fine precision of the sensor collecting the satellite-based information that can determine the displacement space is available in a variety of diagnostic information and the GIS/GNSS by first sensor it is being requested from them. Be large and that the facility is operated nationally distributed torsional displacement of the terrain and facilities caused by such natural disasters progress of various environmental factors and the surroundings. To diagnose this spatial information, which contains the various sensors and instruments tracks the precise fine displacement of the main construction structures and the first reference in the Geospatial or more three-dimensional detailed available map and location information using the installed or the like bridges and tunnels produced to a USN/IoT change at any time, by combining the various positioning analysis of mm-class for the facility main area observed is required to constantly in the real time information of the USN/IoT environment sensor, and to utilize this as a precise fine positioning information by UAV/Drone to the precise fine displacement of the semi-permanent infrastructures. It managed to be efficient management by use of new technologies, analyzing the results presented to a method capable of real-time monitoring for a large structure or facility to construction disaster prevention.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Contents and Comparing of Tests
  2.1 Experimental study on restoration of construction site by spatial information
  2.2 Measurement of USN system for automatic management of construction site environment change
  2.3 Application of IoT to Diagnose Environmental Factors of Construction Structures
  2.4 GNSS application tests to diagnose the fine deformation of construction structure
  2.5 Experiment on Application of Safety Management on Construction Site by Unmanned Near-Field Remote UAV
 3. Analysis and Conclusion


  • Sangho Yeon Department of Civil Engineering, Semyung University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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