

Study on the development of convergent services for efficient medical consultation, tourism and interpretation



Globally, medical tourism draws attention as a national growth engine industry, and is actively expanding. Current medical tourism leans towards large hospitals making it difficult to attract new users. Users collect the information for medical tourism through various paths in order to receive medical consultations and customized tour services. To expand medical tourism to small and medium sized hospitals, it is necessary to have customized medical consultations, tours and interpreter services, which are the key elements of medical tourism. This paper suggests services that users can use to match medical consultations and find tours and interpreters they want at the same time. This paper suggests ways to provide integrated services based on the information experienced by users, combining the required items from the perspectives of each user, hospital and guide. To match the content provided by hospitals and guides with experience information from users systematically, this study suggests the convergence plan for a service model that can match the experience information between users and hospitals, between users and guides and between hospitals and guides systematically by operating the data in the universal container.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Studies
  2.1 Typical Medical Tourism
  2.2 Standard Framework
  2.3 Responsive Web-based Platform Technology
 3. Implementation Plan for Convergence Service of Medical Consultations, Tours and Interpreters
  3.1 Implementation Plan for Convergence Service
  3.2 Design Plan for Standard Framework-Based Development Framework
  3.3 Database Design Plan
  3.4 Design Plan for Content Distribution Matching System
 4. Conclusion


  • Jong-Youel Park Dept. of Smart IT, Baewha Women’s University, Korea
  • Young-Hyun Chang Dept. of Smart IT, Baewha Women’s University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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