

Design and Implementation of Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Management




Chronic diseases management can be effectively achieved through early detection, continuous treatment, observation, and self-management, rather than a radar approach where patients are treated only when they visit a medical facility. However, previous studies have not been able to provide integrated chronic disease management services by considering generalized services such as hypertension and diabetes management, and difficult to expand and link to other services using only specific sensors or services. This paper proposes clinical rule flow model based on medical data analysis to provide personalized care for chronic disease management. Also, we implemented that as Rule-based Smart Healthcare System (RSHS). The proposed system executes chronic diseases management rules, manages events and delivers individualized knowledge information by user's request. The proposed system can be expanded into a variety of applications such as diet and exercise service in the future.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Chronic disease management services
  2.2 Computerized Guideline
  2.3 Rule-based expert system
  2.4 Rule-Based Engine Application of Healthcare Service
 3. Rule Model for Smart Healthcare
  3.1 Clinical Rule Model
  3.2 Conversion of rules of chronic disease guidelines
 4. System Implementation
  4.1 System Architecture
  4.2 Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Mi-Hwa Song Division of Information and communication technology, Semyung University, Jechon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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