

Interactive drawing with user's intentions using image segmentation




This study introduces an interactive drawing system, a tool that allows user to sketch and draw with his own intentions. The proposed system enables the user to express more creatively through a tool that allows the user to reproduce his original idea as a drawing and transform it using his body. The user can actively participate in the production of the artwork by studying the unique formative language of the spectator. In addition, the user is given an opportunity to experience a creative process by transforming arbitrary drawing into various shapes according to his gestures. Interactive drawing systems use the segmentation of the drawing image as a way to extend the user's initial drawing idea. The system includes transforming a two-dimensional drawing into a volume-like form such as a three-dimensional drawing using image segmentation. In this process, a psychological space is created that can stimulate the imagination of the user and project the object of desire. This process of drawing personification plays a role of giving the user familiarity with the artwork and indirectly expressing his her emotions to others. This means that the interactive drawing, which has changed to the emotional concept of interaction beyond the concept of information transfer, can create a cooperative sensation image between user's time and space and occupy an important position in multimedia society.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Interactive Drawing with Association
 4. Interactive Drawing System
 5. Conclusion


  • Sooyeon Lim Department of Game, Dongyang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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