In order to utilize various data provided by Korea public open data portal, data should be systematically managed using a database. Since the range of open data is enormous, and the amount of data continues to increase, it is preferable to use a database capable of processing big data in order to analyze and utilize the data. This paper proposes data modeling and implementation method suitable for public data. The target data is subway related data provided by the public open data portal. Schema of the public data related to Seoul metro stations are analyzed and problems of the schema are presented. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a method to normalize and structure the subway data and model it in NoSQL database. In addition, the implementation result is shown by using MongDB which is a document-based database capable of processing big data.
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1 NoSQL
2.2 MongoDB
3. Analysis of Public Open Data
3.1 Schema
3.2 Normalization
3.3 Hierarchical Structuring
4. Modeling and Implementation
4.1 Modeling in NoSQL
4.2 Implementation with MongoDB
5. Conclusion