

셰익스피어 희극에 나타난 타자와 웃음


Others and laughter in Shakespeare’s Comedies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In The Merchant of Venice and The Tempest, which are categorized as comedies, it seems certain that the racial others such as Shylock and Caliban become the objects of mocking laughter. Of course, they are not only the objects of laughter but also the threatening and hostile resistants. It is in this aspect that they are different from Shakespeare’s others in other comedies, as they have the particularity as religious and racial others. They are called as devils or monsters, and portrayed as inhuman beings. So mocking and defeating them seems to be necessary for the happiness and safety of the final comic society. However, the mocking laughter that the aliens arouse doesn’t contribute to the comic reconciliation of the final society. playing the role of making the society happy and safe. The mocking laughter rather carries the satirical meaning of realistic social problems, in that Shylock and Caliban are the objects of exploitation. Venetian Christians get their profit and happiness by sacrificing Shylock. They are not so different from Shylock who gets profit through usury. Prospero is the same. He achieves his goal by means of sacrificing Caliban and Aerial. Caliban who wants to take his island back by taking revenge on Prospero and Miranda is not so different from Prospero who wants to take his dukedom back by taking revenge on Antonio and Alonso. The others in the two plays are the objects of laughter and reproach, but Shakespeare satirizes the fiscal and colonial desire of the contemporary society through the monstrous and foolish aliens.


 II. 베니스의 상인
 III. 태풍


  • 강석주 Seok Joo Kang. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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