

10분과 : 한류와 문학번역

번역가로서 베케트와 그의 시 번역 - 아폴리네르의 “Zone” 번역을 중심으로


Beckett as a translator and his poetry translation – Focusing on the Translation of Apollinaire’s “Zone”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to examine the value of Beckett’s translation by analyzing the English translation of “Zone”, a poem written by Guillaume Apollinaire, done by Samuel Beckett. It used the translation analysis methodology proposed by Antoine Berman in Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne (1994), and analyzed Beckett’s translation particularly from the perspective of poetics (poéticité). The analysis shows that Beckett’s translation was clearly affected by modernism, which underscored an individual translator’s independence. His translation was done in unique manners: he would change modes of expressions to keep the verse rhyme with each other, use poetry techniques for translation, and imply meanings in words. Nevertheless, the genuine value of his translation is how it is based on the “texture” of Apollinaire’s poem. While in the poem appears a human body in fragments, such as head, neck, hands and legs, Beckett used phrases containing body part terms, such as ‘at hand’, ‘go to one’s heart’ to highlight the body broken into pieces, thereby creating an effect that maximizes the limits of the reality faced by the poet. As seen above, Beckett’s translation established its own place as a distinctive work which reveals a different side of the poem.


Abstract Form
 번역과 베케트
 아폴리네르의 "Zone" 분역 분석
 번역가 베케트
 아폴리네르의 "Zone" 번역 분석
 "Zone"의 155행 영어 번역본 비교
 베케트의  155행 번역에 대한 평가
 베케트의  155행 번역에 대한 분석
 아폴리네르의 "Zone" 번역 특징
 베케트의 번역 수용


  • 김두리 Duri Kim. 고려대학교 불어불문학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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