

6분과 : 한류 문화/문학과 통번역 (교육)

Art Museum Interpreter as Cultural Mediator


미술관 통역사의 문화적 중재자 역할

Sulyoung Hong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There is scant qualitative research in the T&I(translation and interpretation) field on the occupational experience of professional interpreters and translators, especially on those working in specific work environments. Under the premise that research on interpreters’ experience needs to be viewed from a temporal, spatial and cultural context, the current research adopts the research method of narrative inquiry to highlight the role of a museum interpreter as mediator of ‘culture’ by looking into the process of work adaption and professional identity formation. To this end, data were collected through a series of unstructured interviews and conversations with the research participant. Data analyzed include interview transcripts, work-related documents and the participant’s selfportrait. Findings highlight major themes related to work adaptation, the ‘museum’ context, inner conflict & stress and professional identity formation.


Abstract Form
 Background for Research
 Narrative Inquiry
 Dearth of Research
 Research Question
 Research Procedure
 ‘Telling ’
  ‘Telling’: Main Themes
 ‘Re-Telling ’
  Juggling roles & identities


  • Sulyoung Hong 홍설영. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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