

도시재생 공론화 과정 연구 : ‘서울로 7017사업’을 중심으로


A Study on Public Deliberation for Urban Regeneration : Focused on the ‘Seoulro7017 Project’

강지선, 조은영, 김광구

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The essence of urban regeneration is to make people actively participate in its entire processes for both finding their concerns and needs and enhancing the validity of plans. Therefore public deliberation process should be considered as a key factor for urban regeneration. This paper attempts to analyze critically the ‘Seoulro7017 Project’ with the ideal speech conditions of Habermas and the public opinion theory of Lippmann. This paper synthesizes four procedural conditions of successful public deliberation for high level of substantive citizen participation: inclusiveness, publicity, autonomy, and sufficiency. This paper concludes the ‘Seoulro7017 Project’ did not meet none of the four conditions. This paper further suggests that high level of substantive public deliberation could allow people with the variety of interests to participate in a planning process that shares information, facilitates various views and perspectives without distortion, and has sufficient amount of time to discuss and argue each other.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 논의
  2.1. 도시재생과 시민참여
  2.2. 숙의민주주의와 공론, 공론화의 개념과 기능
  2.3. 공론화의 조건
  2.4. 연구분석의 틀
 3. ‘서울로7017사업’의 전개과정
  3.1. 사업 개요
  3.2. ‘서울로7017사업’ 단계별 시민참여 전개과정 분석
 4. ‘서울로7017사업’ 공론화 과정 분석
  4.1. 포용성
  4.2. 공개성
  4.3. 자율성
  4.4. 충분성
  4.5. 종합분석
 5. 결론: 정책제안과 한계


  • 강지선 Kang, Chi Son. 제주대학교 강사
  • 조은영 Cho, Eun Yung. 경희대학교 행정학과 박사수료
  • 김광구 Kim, Gwang Gu. 경희대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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