

Original Research

Development of Diode Based High Energy X-ray Spatial Dose Distribution Measuring Device



Background: A cargo container scanner using a high-energy X-ray generates a fan beam X-ray to acquire a transmitted image. Because the generated X-rays by LINAC may affect the image quality and radiation protection of the system, it is necessary to acquire accurate information about the generated X-ray beam distribution. In this paper, a diode-based multi-channel spatial dose measuring device for measuring the X-ray dose distribution developed for measuring the high energy X-ray beam distribution of the container scanner is described. Materials and Methods: The developed high-energy X-ray spatial dose distribution measuring device can measure the spatial distribution of X-rays using 128 diode-based X-ray sensors. And precise measurement of the beam distribution is possible through automatic positioning in the vertical and horizontal directions. The response characteristics of the measurement system were evaluated by comparing the signal gain difference of each pixel, response linearity according to X-ray incident dose change, evaluation of resolution, and measurement of two-dimensional spatial beam distribution. Results and Discussion: As a result, it was found that the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the response signal according to the incident position showed a difference of about 10%, and the response signal was linearly increased. And it has been confirmed that high-resolution and two-dimensional measurements are possible. Conclusion: The developed X-ray spatial dose measuring device was evaluated as suitable for dose measurement of high energy X-ray through confirmation of linearity of response signal, spatial uniformity, high resolution measuring ability and ability to measure spatial dose. We will perform precise measurement of the X-ray beamline in the container scanning system using the X-ray spatial dose distribution measuring device developed through this research.


 Materials and Methods
  1. X-ray spatial dose distribution measuring device
  2. Evaluation of X-ray response characteristics of distribution measuring device
  3. Computer simulation of X-ray spatial dose distribution measuring device
 Results and Discussion
  1. Uniformity
  2. Linearity
  3. Spatial resolution
  4. 2-dimentional spatial distribution measurement
  5. Effectiveness evaluation of X-ray spatial dose measuring device
 Appendix A. Diode based sensor


  • Jeonghee Lee Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Korea
  • Ikhyun Kim Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Korea
  • Jong-Won Park Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Korea
  • Yong-Kon Lim Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Korea
  • Myungkook Moon Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
  • Sangheon Lee Daon Technology Co., Ltd., Deajeon, Korea
  • Chang Hwy Lim Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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