

자동 텍스트 요약을 위한 문장 축약 방법론 개발 - 세종 구문 분석 말뭉치를 활용하여 -


Development of Sentence Compression Method for Automatic Text Summarization : Using Sejong syntactic analysis corpus


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Our society is getting more and more documents that are generated and circulated through the internet, and the amount of articles to be read online is getting more and more. Our society is getting more and more documents that are generated and circulated through the internet, and the amount of articles to be read online is getting more and more. In this situation, it is impossible to read the contents of a large amount of text data in a short time and to grasp important contents. Therefore, the demand for summarizing a large amount of information as a core content is expected to grow more and more. Under this background, this study aims at deriving a method for document summarization as ‘the sentence level reduction for automatic text summarization’ which is an application of Korean information processing. The study was conducted in two directions. First, we built a seed sentence compression corpus by marked tags in the expression to be deleted. Second, we extracted possibly deleted syntactic structures to create a priori syntactic compressing rules.


 1. 들어가기
 2. 텍스트 요약과 말뭉치
  2.1 세종 구문 분석 말뭉치
  2.2 씨앗 축약 말뭉치 주석
  2.3 세종 구문 분석 말뭉치의 구문 구조
 3. 구문 축약과 문장 축약
  3.1 씨앗 축약 구조 규칙
  3.2 문장 구조 축약에 의한 요약
 4. 맺음말 및 향후 연구


  • 조은경 Jo, Eun-Kyoung. 서강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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