

‘사랑’ 은유 개념화에 나타난 한국문화 내 변이 연구 - 신승훈과 백지영의 노래를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Shift within Korean Culture on ‘Love’ Metaphor Conceptualize : Focusing on the Songs of Shin Seung Hun and Baek Ji Young

우메무라 마유미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kövecses(2006) suggested that there is a peculiar metaphor that is preferred by other members according to the social factors and historical periods of a community. Such peculiar metaphors differ not only from one culture to another, but also exist in a same culture. Based on the theory of Kövecses, this study aims to investigate how the emotions of universal and central love of human beings appear differently in Korean culture, and to clarify the aspects through the songs of Shin Seung Hun and Baek Ji Young. In Chapter 2, we focus on the causes of cultural variation presented by Kövecses (2002, 2010). In Chapter 3, we explore the metaphorical conceptualization of love which Koreans customarily hold through song lyrics. In Chapter 4, we will discuss the metaphorical variation in Korean culture from two perspectives, based on the conceptual metaphor of love, and the difference of choice in metaphorical conceptualization and metaphorical language expression derived from Chapter 3.


 1. 서언
 2. 은유 개념화에 나타나는 문화 내 변이 원인
  2.1 선택적인 개념적 은유
  2.2 광범위한 문화적 문맥
 3. 노래 가사에 나타난 ‘사랑’ 개념화 양상
  3.1 ‘사랑’의 특성 개념화 양상
  3.2 ‘사랑’의 상태 개념화 양상
 4. 노래 가사에 나타난 ‘사랑’ 개념화의 한국문화 내 변이
  4.1 ‘사랑’의 개념적 은유 선택 차이
  4.2 ‘사랑’의 은유적 언어 표현 차이
 5. 결언


  • 우메무라 마유미 Mayumi Umemura. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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