


Some issues in Mongolian society



The legal issues in all countries are important.In the early days the social system without government was administered by the tribe leader or influential people. At the same time society has been divided into several sections and there had been two other sides that people who had the authority had properties, but other people had been exhausted. This situation had impacted to become conflict which made disorder. In order to regulate there had been needed a powerful way was “State” that is being used as contemporary political form of government. There could not had the opportunity to be without state. At that historical situation the state was established, met social development requirements, and its core essence, role, objectives, and structure had been changed, and the form, style were being had many sides. The form of procedure was being improved. In our country: Early Middle Contemporary “State”-s had been changed historically by the influence of external and internal factors that included common or specific features, and had been identified on social phenomena. Society is the base of the state. However the society had not beenproduced by the state. The society had produced the State.The state is a special power with authority to develop the society. State, Governance and Society are interrelated and are not exactly the same.Every country has a state. Because the state must be a “Guide” to drive the country. State, governance are united concept but a looking form of state is its agencies with authority. A form of governance is its executive regulating public administration agencies. That’s why administrative law is the one part of public law, which covers state administration procedure.Administrative law is the legal norms for public benefits, which regulates social relations between state, its administration. Thus, if state administration agencies have any illegal acts which break any laws, it would have been the base of misunderstanding between state and public.1) Therefore, legal acts of state administration agencies must be adequate to laws.


 The role of state:
 Interdependence of state and law.
 Looking at contemporary Mongolia:
  The first generation
  The second generation
  The third generation
 Refined idea


  • Ulziitogtokh Tsilkhaa Mongolian National University


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