

게임거리 조성을 위한 시설환경 콘셉트디자인 연구 - 도시재생 게이미피케이션과 PX(플레이어 경험) 중심으로 -


The Conceptual Design of Youth Facility & Environment for Game Street - Focusing Urban Revitalization and PX(Player Experience) in Gamification -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is to propose a Conceptual Design of Game Street, aka gamified street, for youth facility and environment. The purpose of this study is to research on the game street as youth facility for galvanizing into the economic downturn regions with gamification. The gamification is the idea of using game-thinking and game elements to solve problem and engage players(Kim, J.T. et al, 2014). A well-gamified things(applications, places, services) can provide players (stand for users, citizen, audiences, customers, clients, buyers, learners, patients, soldiers, etc) with the supreme user experience, aka PX(player experience) causing playful behavior and a positive mindset. So gamified items can promote the depressed street to improve the quality of youth’s life and to reach a sustainable development of urban economic. This proposal treats the gamified street as the most effective way for meaningful youth facility and environment. The main goal of a gamified street is to encourage greater engagement in young people(player) and to make richer experiences through gamification. This paper propose a conceptual design of game street with five zones focusing on PangyoTechnovalley in Seongnam City. The gamified items for youth facility and environment on this game street derive from tens of gamification cases as pre-studies treated.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구배경과 범위
  1. 게임거리 조성 연구의 목적과 배경
  2. 연구 범위
 Ⅲ. 게임거리 조성 예정지의 물리적 환경 조사
  1. 게임거리 조성지 인근 판교테크노밸리 환경 개요
  2. 청소년 시설환경으로써 게임거리 조성 환경
 Ⅳ. 게임거리 조성을 위한 게임화 및 가로 사례연구
  1. 게임거리 적용가능 한 게이미피케이션 사례 분석
  2. 게임거리 조성 위한 해외 특화거리 분석
  3. 게임거리 조성 위한 해외 특화도시 벤치마킹: 성남 판교테크노벨리 벤치마킹 도시 분석
 Ⅴ. 청소년 시설환경으로써 게임거리 성공방안
  1. 게임거리 아이디어 주안점
  2. 만족도 요소 분석에 따른 게임거리 주요 콘셉트
  3. 게임거리 구간별 구축물, 프로그램 운영 기획
  4. 게임거리 콘셉트는 구간별 구상 안
  5. 게임거리 구간별 마스터플랜 디자인 방향
  6. 조성 대상지 구간별 기초 조감도
  7. 성공적인 게임거리 조성을 위한 핵심요소
  8. 게임거리의 타 지자체 확산을 위하여
 Ⅳ. 결론
 < 국문 초록 >


  • 김정태 Kim, Jung-tae. 동양대학교 게임학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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