

A Study on the Applicability of Corrosion Inhibitor for Outdoor Copper Alloy


Jeong Ah Shin, Koang Chul Wi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Outdoor copper alloy is exposed to the atmospheric environment, accelerating corrosion progress compared with indoor copper alloy. In order to prevent corrosion, the outdoor copper alloy is coated with wax to block external corrosion factors. However, corrosion of the inside of the coating film is highly likely to continue without the internal corrosion prevention treatment. B.T.A, which is used as a copper alloy water-soluble corrosion inhibitor, has a high possibility of being harmful to the human body and is mainly used to treat excavated artifacts. This study had selected the water-soluble corrosion inhibitor, which was easier to use than the existing wax and B.T.A being used in corrosion inhibition treatment for outdoor copper alloy. A comparative study was conducted on B.T.A, which is a water-soluble corrosion inhibitor used on excavated artifacts, and VCIⓇ, RusⓇ, and L-cys, an amino acid corrosion inhibitor, used for tin bronze test pieces. The experimental method was conducted for a certain period of time with the salt, acid, and air pollution affecting the corrosion of outdoor copper alloy. Based on experiment results, it was concluded that the best water - soluble copper alloy corrosion inhibitor in the atmospheric environment is VCIⓇ. and it could be considered to be applied in replacement of B.T.A due to its low harmfulness. In addition, VCIⓇ is judged to serve as a corrosion inhibitor for outdoor copper alloy because it showed the best result even in the outdoor exposure test which is a real atmospheric environment.


  2.1. Materials
  2.2. Test piece
  2.3. Methods
  3.1. Environmental experiments
  3.2. Measurement methods


  • Jeong Ah Shin Cultural Heritage Center, Ulsan Development Institute, Ulsan, 44720, Korea
  • Koang Chul Wi Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Hanseo University, Seosan, 31962, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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