

일본어의 수동문과 자동사 구문 - 사건 구조와 구문 유형에 주목하여 -


Passive Sentence and Intransitive Sentence in Japanese : Focusing on Event Structure and Sentence Type


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For the purpose of looking into passive sentence and intransitive sentence which have things in common in terms of describing changes and being alternated with transitive sentence, this thesis has classified the two sentences into four categories: ① expressions describing stativity with concrete noun as subject, ② expressions describing activity with concrete noun as subject, ③ expressions describing stativity with abstract noun as subject, and ④ expressions describing activity with abstract noun as subject. And, then, this thesis has examined the aspects of the distribution of these categories in modern times. In doing so, it has been noticed that passive sentence is used mostly in expressions describing stativity with concrete noun as subject, and intransitive sentence in expressions describing activity with concrete noun as subject. In previous studies, whether or not there was implicitness of agent was mainly mentioned as difference between the two sentences. However, as a result of the examination conducted this time through this thesis, it has been confirmed that the two sentences are different in event structure and sentence type as well. It can be said that passive sentence is relatively frequently used in expressions describing stativity with concrete noun as subject because these expressions have been used since the days before modern times and have served as prototype for inanimate-subject passive.


本稿では動作対象の変化を表わし、他動詞に対応するという点において共通している日本語の二つの表現、有対他動詞の受身文および有対自動詞文について考察することを目的として、二つの構文を①具体名詞を主語とする状態性の表現、②具体名詞を主語とする動作性の表現、③抽象名詞を主語とする状態性の表現、④抽象名詞を主語とする動作性の表現という四つの類型に分類し、類型による分布様相を観察した。有対他動詞の受身文は具体名詞を主語とする状態性の表現に、有対自動詞文は具体名詞を主語とする動作性の表現に最も多く用いられていることが確認できた。 従来の研究において両文の違いとしては主に動作主の含意という要因が言及されてきたが、本稿の観察の結果、両文は事象構造および構文類型においても異なった様相を見せていた。 対応する自動詞が存在しない無対他動詞の場合は、対象の変化を表わすために受身文を用いざるを得ないのであるが、対応する自動詞が存在する有対他動詞の場合は、基本的には受身文を用いる必然性は存在しない。従って有対自動詞文が優先して用いられるが、具体名詞を主語とする状態性の表現は近代以前から用いられ、非情の受身の典型として類型化したため、この類型においては他の類型に比べて有対他動詞の受身文も比較的に活発に用いられていると考えることができる。


 1. 머리말
 2. 수동문과 자동사 구문 연구의 흐름
  2.1 「피능」또는 「중상」적인 수동사와 수동형
  2.2 자동사적 대응항으로서의 수동형
  2.3 수동문과 자동사 구문의 동작주 함의 여부
 3. 수동문과 자동사 구문의 사건 구조와 구문 유형
  3.1 상대타동사 수동문의 사건 구조와 구문 유형
  3.2 상대자동사 구문의 사건 구조와 유형
  3.3 분석 -상대타동사 수동문과 상재자동사 구문의 사건 구조와 구문유형
 4. 마무리


  • 한정연 Han Joung-Youn. 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 학술연구교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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