A Research on the Purpose of Use and Selection Factor of Walking Trails
This research aimed to identify walking trails' purpose of its use and the factors that influence the selection. For this, a survey targeting the walking trail users was conducted in 2016 to question the research aim stated above. The mean number of walking trail usage in a month was 2.51 times and the duration of use ranged from one to ten hours, with the average of 2.5 hours. The main reason for the usage was to maintain physical health and the following was for mental relaxation, thus showing more than 90% of the people concerned with physical and mental health. Walking trails near the residences had the greatest percentage and trails that include mountains, rivers, seas and lakes were the following. Trails near historical locations or countryside showed a lower percentage. The choices showed relevance to the proximity as a standard of selection. The next highest percentage was the convenience of transportation. Additionally, people that access the trails three or more times were inclined to be influenced by the installation of exercising equipment. The aspect of facilities showed that the place for relaxation was a significant selection factor such as bathrooms for 20s to 30s and exercising equipments for people older than 50. To access the walking trails, people reach it by automobiles, public transport, walking and bicycles and out of these, automobiles had the highest percentage.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위와 방법
1.3 응답자 개요
2. 도보길 현황 및 선행연구 고찰
3. 도보길 이용현황
3.1 도보길 이용횟수
3.2 도보길 소요시간
3.3 도보길 이용목적
4. 도보길 선택요인
4.1 조성지역의 성격에 따른 선택
4.2 도보길 선택이유
4.3 이동수단
5. 결론 및 제언