

고대 교토의 한반도계 신사와 사원 연구 ─ 잊혀진 한류의 원점 ─


A Study on the Korea-related Shrines and Temples in Ancient Kyoto : The Prototype of a Forgotten Korean Wave


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kyoto has often been said to be both the true center of Japanese traditional culture and the genuine home of the Japanese spirit. However, what is not well- known and almost forgotten today, is that Kyoto was originally pioneered by the Hata clan(秦氏) who immigrated to Japan from Kaya(伽倻)=Shilla(新羅) Kingdom of the Korean Peninsula. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between several important Shinto shrines as well as Buddhist temples in ancient Kyoto called Yamashiro(山城) or Heian(平安) and the Korean immigrants in terms of a Korean Wave(韓流, Hallyu). Actually, the numerous Korean immigrants from the three Kingdoms,-Koguryo (高句麗), Baekche(百濟), and Shilla-of the Korean Peninsular are closely associated not only with the Buddhist temples such as Koryuji(廣隆寺), Koma-dera(高麗寺), Katagihara-dera(樫原寺), Hokanji(法觀寺), Chohoji(頂法寺), Kitano-dera(北野寺), Kanimanji(蟹滿寺), Kiyomizu-dera(淸水寺), etc. but also with the Shinto shrines such as Fushimi-inari-taisha(伏見稲荷大社), Matsunoo-taisha(松尾大社), upper and lower Kamo-jinja(上賀茂神社․下鴨神社), Yasaka-jinja(八坂神社), Hirano-jinja(平 野神社), Kara-jinja(韓神社), Konoshimanimasu-Amaterasu-mitama-jinja(木島坐天照 御魂神社), Kokai-jinja(蚕養神社), Osake-jinja(大酒神社), Kadononimasu-tsukiyomi-jinja(葛野坐月讀神社), Kitanotenmangu(北野天滿宮), Nakaragi-jinja(半木神社), Sakatoke-jinja(酒解神社), Ota-jinja(大田神社), Daishogunhachi-jinja(大將軍八神社) etc. It is expected that we could find another Korean wave in ancient Kyoto and understand its positive signification by investigating those shrines and temples. Provisionally I conclude that such a study of the Korean Wave in ancient Kyoto will free us from a narrow-minded, nationalistic complex, and thus will lead us to an open-minded global perspective which possibly goes far forward overcoming the difficulties that exist in the Korea-Japan relationship.


 들어가는 말 : ‘룩코리아’와 한류의 원점
 1. 고대 교토와 한반도계 이주민
  1-1. 야마시로=교토의 개척과 씨족분포
  1-2. 헤이안 천도와 한반도계 이주민
 2. 고대 교토의 한반도계 신사
  2-1. 후시미이나리대사(伏見稲荷大社)
  2-2. 마쓰노오대사(松尾大社)
  2-3. 가도노니마스쓰키요미신사(葛野坐月讀神社)
  2-4. 상하 가모신사(上賀茂神社ㆍ下鴨神社)
  2-5. 나카라기신사(半木神社)
  2-6. 오오타신사(大田神社)
  2-7. 고노시마니마스아마테루미타마신사(木島坐天照御魂神社)
  2-8. 고카이신사(養蠶神社)
  2-9. 오오사케신사(大酒神社)
  2-10. 사카토케신사(酒解神社)
  2-11. 야사카신사(八坂神社)
  2-12. 히라노신사(平野神社)
  2-13. 가라신사(韓神社)
  2-14. 기타노텐만궁(北野天滿宮)
  2-15. 다이쇼군하치신사(大將軍八神社)
 3. 고대 교토의 한반도계 사원
  3-1. 고류지(廣隆寺)
  3-2. 초호지(頂法寺)
  3-3. 호칸지(法觀寺)
  3-4. 기타노데라(北野寺)
  3-5. 고마데라(高麗寺)
  3-6. 가타기하라데라(樫原寺)
  3-7. 가니만지(蟹滿寺)
  3-8. 기요미즈데라(淸水寺)
 나오는 말 : 고대 교토의 한류와 그 현대적 의미


  • 박규태 Park Kyu Tae. 한양대학교 일본언어ㆍ문화학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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