

植民され続けた経験を想像する力 ― 台湾先住民族を囲む植民国家資本の機制との関連で読む 『余生』と『あまりに野蛮な』―


A Power to imagine the colonized experiences : Reading "Yusheng" (Remains of Life) and "Amarini Yabanna" (Much Too Brutal) in relation to the mechanism of the Colonial State Capital which surrounds Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples

中村 平



Highland Taiwanese indigenous peoples have been placed under the assimilation policy both by Japanese colonial state capital (a conspiracy between state and capital) and Republic of China’s, while the liberation movement from those fetters has been continued. This paper examines the style of decolonial movement, considering two novels written by Wu He and Tsushima Yuko, which have both abundant theme and description of decolonial movement. While paying attention to the description in those novels that approaches the colonized experiences of Taiwanese indigenous peoples from the writers’ stand point and own experiences (especially accompanying pain), this paper gives language toward a power which goes beyond the division of concept and subjectification of “Japanese/ Taiwanese/ Taiwanese indigenous people” and “Female/ Male,” that have been prescribed by state capital and nationalism. The colonized violent experiences of Taiwanese indigenous peoples will be shared (bun󰠏yuu) to surround persons in the new intimate relationship by the style of not being prescribed by state, and also in the voyage-in travel accompanying healing. Furthermore, the decolonial movement are also done in the space where those writings of history, memories and experiences are read.


 第1節 植民化の機制の探究:中村勝『捕囚』
 第2節 植民暴力への対応Ⅰ:舞鶴『余生』
  1. 霧社事件の現在性と「余生」
  2. 遡行の旅
  3. 記念碑、「余生」の碑
 第3節 植民暴力への対応Ⅱ:津島佑子『あまりに野蛮な』
  1. 植民国家における母性と家庭
  2. 植民地状況と収奪、日本人として背負うもの
  3. 2000年代日本人女性の台湾の旅:リーリーとヤンさん
  4. マジカルリアリズムによる死者との交感
  5. 女性が語り直す物語
 第4節 当事者の立場と経験からの記述と読みの脱植民化運動


  • 中村 平 Nakamura Taira. 漢陽大学校 国際文化大学 日本言語文化学科 助教授


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