

Original Article

보훈의료지원 대상자의 외래 처방의약품 사용경향과 적정성 평가


Trends and Appropriateness of Outpatient Prescription Drug Use in Veterans

이인향, 심다영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: This study analyzed the national claims data of veterans to generate scientific evidence of the trends and appropriateness of their drug utilization in an outpatient setting. Methods: The claims data were provided by the Health Insurance Review & Assessment (HIRA). Through sampling and matching data, we selected two comparable groups; Veterans vs. National Health Insurance (NHI) patients and Veterans vs. Medical Aid (MAID) patients. Drug use and costs were compared between groups by using multivariate gamma regression models to account for the skewed distribution, and therapeutic duplication was analyzed by using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: In equivalent conditions, veteran patients made fewer visits to medical institutions (0.88 vs. 1), had 1.86 times more drug use, and paid 1.4 times more drug costs than NHI patients (p<0.05); similarly, veteran patients made fewer visits to medical institutions (0.96 vs. 1), had 1.11 times more drug use, and paid 0.95 times less drug costs than MAID patients (p<0.05). The risk of therapeutic duplication was 1.7 times higher (OR=1.657) in veteran patients than in NHI patients and 1.3 times higher (OR=1.311) than in MAID patients (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Similar patterns of drug use were found in veteran patients and MAID patients. There were greater concerns about the drug use behavior in veteran patients, with longer prescribing days and a higher rate of therapeutic duplication, than in MAID patients. Efforts should be made to measure if any inefficiency exists in veterans’ drug use behavior.


 연구 방법
  연구의 설계
  연구자료 및 연구대상자
  변수의 정의
  자료의 분석
 연구 결과
  연구대상자 기본특성
  건강보험군과 비교한 보훈군의 의료기관 이용행태, 의약품 사용 양상 및 규모
  의료급여군과 비교한 보훈군의 의료기관 이용행태, 의약품 사용 양상 및 규모
  치료군중복 발생 환자비율
 감사의 말씀


  • 이인향 Iyn-Hyang Lee. 영남대학교 약학대학
  • 심다영 Da-Young Shim. 영남대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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