

Improved Paired Cluster-Based Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks




In VANET, frequent movement of nodes causes dynamic changes of the network topology. Therefore the routing protocol, which is stable to effectively respond the changes of the network topology, is required. Moreover, the existing cluster-based routing protocol, that is the hybrid approach, has routing delay due to the frequent re-electing of the cluster header. In addition, the routing table of CBRP has only one hop distant neighbor nodes. PCBRP (Paired CBRP), proposed in this paper, ties two clusters in one pair of clusters to make longer radius. Then the pair of the cluster headers manages and operates corresponding member nodes. In the current CBRP, when the cluster header leaves the cluster the delay, due to the re-electing a header, should be occurred. However, in PCBRP, another cluster header of the paired cluster takes the role instead of the left cluster header. This means that this method reduces the routing delay. Concurrently, PCBRP reduces the delay when routing nodes in the paired cluster internally. Therefore PCBRP shows improved total delay of the network and improved performance due to the reduced routing overhead.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. The Proposed Protocol
  3.1 Inter Paired Cluster Routing
  3.2 Intra Paired Cluster Routing
  3.3 Re-electing of The Head Node in PCBRP
 4. Simulation
  4.1 The environment of the simulation
  4.2 Performance metrics
  4.3 The simulation results
 5. Conclusions


  • Wu Woan Kim Division of Computer Engineering, Kyungnam University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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