

Ⅲ. 언어와 인지

중국어 /e/ 모음, 단순모음인가 이중모음인가?


A Study on Chinese Vowel /e/ - Is this vowel a Monophthong or a Diphthong?

박시균, 김지영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper throws a question whether Chinese vowel /e/[] is a monophthong or a diphthong. It is generally accepted amongst phoneticians that Chinese vowel /e/ is pronounced as a diphthong [ə] in everyday life. However, Chinese and Taiwanese Ministries of Education regulate and many Chinese scholars claim that this vowel is a monophthong. To examine why this kind of confusion has arisen, we carried out a production test of this Chinese vowel against Chinese and Taiwanese female subjects and a perception test of the identical vowel with Korean females who can speak Chinese, Chinese and Taiwanese female subjects. The results of the production test showed that there was a discrepancy of the independent /e/ productions between Chinese and Taiwanese subjects. This is because Chinese subjects showed [ə] or [] productions while Taiwanese subjects produced only []. This outcome seemed to reveal that Chinese speakers have two versions of /e/ pronunciation while Taiwanese speakers possess only one version of /e/ pronunciation, []. The outcome of the perception test showed more evidence of the different pronunciations of /e/ between Chinese and Taiwanese subjects. While Taiwanese and Korean subjects clearly distinguished the difference between the monophthong [] and the diphthong [ə], Chinese subjects could not pick up the characteristic of the diphthong [ə] and they perceived it as []. It can be claimed that Chinese people treat /e/ as a monophthong in phonemic level while they produce this vowel as [ə] or [] in phonetic level.


1. 서론
 2. 모음의 음향적 특징
 3. 산출실험
  3.1 실험 방법
  3.2 실험 결과
 4. 인지실험
  4.1 실험 방법
  4.2 인지실험 결과
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 박시균 See-Gyoon Park. 군산대학교 국어국문학과
  • 김지영 Ji-Young Kim. 군산대학교 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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