

통번역사의 직업윤리


Code of ethics for translators and interpreters.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While ethical issues have been an important topic in translation studies since the 1990’s, the codes of ethics for translators and interpreters have rarely been discussed in depth by translation scholars in Korea and abroad. Translation scholars have tended to treat ethics as an abstract concept with philosophical and literary implications but little practical value. To help reduce the gap between theory and practice, and academics and professionals, this study examines how theoretical discussions on ethics apply to professional codes of ethics. It consists of three parts. The first section considers the Hieronymic Oath proposed by Chesterman in his 2001 paper and focuses on his emphasis on “virtue” over “value” and the translator over the text. The second section compares the codes of ethics of three major professional associations—an association of translators (FIT), one of interpreters (AIIC), and one of both translators and interpreters (ATA)—as well as two Korean counterparts. The final section makes several recommendations on the development, organization, and distribution of translator codes of ethics.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 체스터만의 「히에로니무스 선서」
 III. 주요 통번역사 단체의 직업윤리 규정 고찰
 IV. 쟁점과 제안
 V. 나가는 말


  • 이향 Lee, Hyang. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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