

ETRI 사전 기반 한중어휘대역서비스 구축 사례 분석 - 대역지식을 중심으로


A case study on the implementation of Korean-Chinese Word Translation Service based on ETRI dictionary-With a focus on translation knowledge

김아영, 김미경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the authors of this study has engaged in the research of ‘Multilingual Word Translation Service based on Word Semantic Analysis’ for multicultural families since 2016. The research aimed to develop a web- and an application-based multilingual translation service which provides advanced Korean vocabulary used in school newsletters for married female immigrants. For the research, the data, consisting of word pairs, of the Multilingual Learners' Dictionary was provided by the National Institute of Korean Language. However, the Korean-Chinese pairs have not been completed yet. So, with the data for the Korean-Chinese translation dictionary transferred from the ETRI, the Korean-Chinese word translation web service started as a pilot operation. In this regard, this study presents the details of the multilingual translation web service, including the purpose, main users, and design principles. In addition, the study compares ETRI Korean-Chinese Translation Dictionary with Multilingual Learners' Dictionary in terms of structure, translation strategy, and process, and proposed ways to improve the web service.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 한국어 어휘 의미 분석 기반 다국어 대역 서비스 개요
 III. ETRI 사전 기반 한중 대역 지식 분석
  1. ETRI 한중대역어사전의 유형과 효용
  2. ETRI 한중대역어사전의 번역 전략과 과정
  3. 한국어기초사전-ETRI 사전 기반 한중 대역 지식 검토
 IV. ETRI 사전 기반 한중 대역 서비스 평가
 V. 논의 및 결론


  • 김아영 Kim, Ahyoung. 부산외국어대학교
  • 김미경 Kim, Mikyung. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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