

AI시대 인간번역과 기계(NMT)번역의 공존 - 경영학 ‘확장(Augmentation)전략’ 중심


Coexistence of humans and machines in the era of artificial intelligence


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Human translators are deeply worried that they might be replaced by machines capable of translating and interpreting through deep learning and big data analysis. This paper takes a complementary mindset rather than either-or mindset to shift translation’s relationships with machines from automation to augmentation. The objective of this study is to set out specific areas of works where humans can coexist with intelligent machines, turning this challenge into an opportunity to expand the scope of translation rather than diminishing it. This paper adopts a model from the business administration field as a framework. It is “five-paths toward employability” (Davenport & Kirby, 2015) based on “augmentation strategy” and “complementarity” (Autor, 2014). Based on the characteristics of translation in this changing world, I could derive employable areas for human translators in the age of AI: human translators can ‘step up’ as managers establishing a platform, overseeing the whole translation process, building corpus database and coordinating collaboration among participants; ‘step aside’ as communicators catering to the linguistic and cultural needs of each party; ‘step in’ as revisers conducting pre-editing or post-editing for translations done by machines; ‘step narrowly’ as translators doing works only humans can do like literary translation; ‘step forward’ as innovators or entrepreneurs creating new areas of business such as combining language service with voice recognition, applying augmented reality technology into translation.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 기계화에 대한 긍정론과 부정론
  2. 증강이론
 III. 디지털 시대 번역 업무 분석
  1. 기계화 시대 번역
  2. 링크드인의 채용공고를 중심으로 본 번역가의 직무
  3. ‘기계화 시대에 살아남는 5가지 방법’에 적용되는 번역 업무
 IV. 결론


  • 김순미 Kim, Soon Mi. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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