The local real estate service industries has not been counteracted to the environmental change of real estate market influenced by the globalization and various domestic factors. There are only few studies of the direction of changed academically and how to elastically overcome the confronted challenge. This study purpose to raise the social issues based on the study of structural real estate market change for the past, present and future since there are no strategic preparation for the real estate market change confronted. There are two important event for the past that has affected to the local real estate market. The one IMF crisis had been caused by domestic economic factors the other Subprime by US economy. For the future, FTA with EU and US will influence the local real estate market and make difficult to predict the change. Local real estate service employees has been lacking the ethical consciousness and retraining of their specialization that are required to be a professional and have a global competitiveness compared to the multi-consulting companies in terms of investment, brokerage, and asset management. Particularly integrated real estate service companies are needed to develop further. To develop the real estate industries, the role of real estate professional and leader will be reinforced to contribute to the society that comply with the rule of ethical consciousness and global competitiveness. Particularly a various license system for real estate professional are need to adopt and have an administrative system.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
3. 선행연구의 고찰
Ⅱ. 부동산시장의 환경변화와 구조적 이해
1. 국내 부동산시장환경의 변화
2. 부동산시장분석의 이론과 해석
3. IMF로 인한 부동산시장변화의 사례연구
4. EU와 미국과의 FTA체결로 인한 부동산시장변화의 전망
5. 2010년대 미국 부동산시장변화의 이슈와 시사점
Ⅲ. 부동산서비스산업의 현황과 시사점
1. 부동산서비스산업의 현황과 문제점
2. 부동산서비스산업의 전환과 대응책
3. 미국 부동산산업의 변화와 시사점
4. 미국 부동산서비스에 대한 인식과 시사점
Ⅳ. 부동산서비스산업의 역할과 방향설정
1. 부동산산업의 특징과 역할
2. 부동산서비스 전문가의 역할변화와 자구책 마련
3. 고객기반의 부동산전문가 지도자양성과 사회적 기여
4. 윤리의식강화와 재교육을 통한 질 높은 서비스 제공
5. 부동산전문자격제도를 통한 전문가 양성
Ⅴ. 결론
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