Until 2006, affairs regarding licensed real estate agents and real estate brokerage businesses were regulated by 'Real Estate Brokerage Act' legislated in 1983. And then, since 2006 'Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and Report of Real Estate Transactions Act' has been regulating the affairs. However, as the title of this act of 2006 shows, it is focused on the regulation of real estate brokerage businesses and does not seem to precisely suit to the law regarding professional licensed agents. Therefore, there have been efforts to convert this act to 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' and attempts to propose the legislation have been made. However, the result has not been successful yet. This study investigates controversial issues raised when converting the act to 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' and the challenges raised when proceeding 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act'. The points surrounding 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' is not about legislating a new act, but it is about the amendment of 'Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and Report of Real Estate Transactions Act' under the revised title of 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act'. This study especially focuses and suggests consistency and coherence of the legal system, measures to separate the real estate transaction report system, and the desirable measures for the amendment of the act.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 문제의 소재
2. 연구의 목적 및 범위
Ⅱ. 「공인중개사법」의 필요성에 대한 논의
1.「공인중개사법」의 필요성
2. 필요성에 관한 이슈
Ⅲ. 「공인중개사법」의 추진 경과
1. 의원입법 발의안의 요약
2. 입법이 되지 못한 이유
3. 기타「공인중개사법」안
Ⅳ. 공부법의 공인중개사법 전환과 쟁점
1. 개요
2.「공인중개사법」전환시 쟁점 및 검토
Ⅴ. 「공인중개사법」 실현을 위한 과제
1. 법 명칭 변경 관련
2. 기타 측면
Ⅵ. 결론