

파주시 공간변이 과정과 해석에 관한 연구 - ‘이데올로기’의 공간적 투영을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Space Transition Process and Interpretation of PAJU City - focus on the Spatial Projection of `Ideology'-

이명철, 박태원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Paju, Gyeonggi-do area has been a target of high competition due to its excellent location from the time of the Three Kingdoms Period to the present era. Also, the area has come into the spotlight as a strategic position. In terms of space, importance of location cannot be emphasized enough. Nevertheless, the Paju area has turned into one of the places that have been perceived as disadvantageous because of its excellent location. Many parts are controlled and are immolated in urban development due to the unfavorable image of “soldier city” and border-line area. We know that there are many factors that have influenced urban development throughout history. However, the influence of the governing classes is the leading force amongst many factors. This thesis was written on the assumption that history was examined by the subjective philosophies of the governing classes. That is to say, that the governing force’s ideas impacted and acted upon the spatial development of Paju throughout history. Researcher observed the governing forces’ role in events the examined Paju’s history and the spatial projection of ideologies of the time, as well as other influences among them and saw these as other governing forces’ ideologies and thoughts. Therefore, this study analyzed correlating urban development and spatial transition processes with ideology. First, I did an administrative history analysis interpretation. Secondly, I did an economic history analysis. Finally, I analyzed the interrelation of influences and its reach in urban development as well as the spatial transition through the governing history interpretation. The general idea of this study is to know the “New” through the “Old”. You can see the present and foresee the future through the past. Paju City may do a lot in the Korean Peninsula reunification era. The matter of examining urban development and the spatial transition process of Paju City is very important for such endeavors. I hope and expect that this thesis is evaluated as a paper that offers the first step of recognizing the importance of urban development and the spatial transitional process.


< Abstract >
 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 목적
  2. 연구의 범위
  3. 연구의 과정
 Ⅱ. 파주시의『공간변혁사 (空間變革史)』요약
  1. 이론(학설)적 관점
  2. 파주시 공간 변혁사(變革史)와 공간적 변이(變移)
 Ⅲ. 해석(解釋) 및 시사(示唆)
  1. 연구의 해석 배경
  2. 행정사적 (行政史的) 해석
  3. 경제사적 (經濟史的) 해석
  4. 통치사적 (統治史的) 해석
  5. 시사점


  • 이명철 Lee, Myung-Cheol. 파주미래도시연구소, 소장/ 대진대학교 디지털경제학과,외래교수/ 광운대학교 일반대학원 부동산학과, 박사과정
  • 박태원 Park, Tae-Won. 광운대학교 경영대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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