

오버투어리즘에 따른 정책적 대응과 지속가능한 관광산업 발전에 관한 탐색적 연구


Exploratory Study of National Policy Measures on overtourism and sustainable tourism industry

손신욱, 박상훈, 이나현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to investigate the overtourism between regional resident and tourist in the tourism attraction. In addition, we conducted an exploratory study based on the question of what factors should be considered to promote the overtourism and the sustainable tourism policy. For this purpose, the data explored the Touristification and Tourism-Phobia cases of Italy, Germany, and Japan and the evaluation index of WTTC overtourism. The results of the study are as follows. First of all, the viewpoints and countermeasures of overtourism in foreign institutions and countries have examined the policy areas and roles of overtourism in central and local governments in Korea and suggested the need to systematically and actively cope with and manage them. Second, it is necessary for respond to tourism legislation along with tourism policy for overtourism problem solving and sustainable tourism. Finally, administrative measures such as seeking ways to collect opinions of residents within the current tourism development planning system are needed.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 오버투어리즘 현상
  2. 오버투어리즘의 특징
 Ⅲ. 오버투어리즘의 사례연구 설계
  1. 이탈리아 베니스의 오버투어리즘 사례
  2. 독일 베를린의 오버투어리즘 사례
  3. WTTC 오버투어리즘 진단지표 및 한계점
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 손신욱 Shinwook Son. 한국문화관광연구원 관광정책연구실 사업전문원
  • 박상훈 Sanghun Park. 대구대학교 관광경영학과 외래교수
  • 이나현 Nahyun Lee. 경희대학교 호텔관광대학 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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