The Church is for Thielicke not so much a institutional as personal mediated community. The relation between church and individual is not the relation of whole and fragmented particles, all the more church occurs in the individual. This individual implies the sense of church already in itself. When the Word of God is transmitted from a person, who occupies this Word, to another, a church is founded. Through church God spreads his kingdom in the world. The relationship which is set by the word of God, is not only the origin of church but also its goal. Therefore the church has to hold on it's identity so that the relationship through Word may be realized in the world. The public mission of the church is due to the world administration of Jesus Christ which is manifested in his mission command. This command refers to the fact that the world relationship of Jesus has a dual direction. Jesus' world governance is as it were an open secret that results from the personal communion with his disciples. Jesus sends his disciples not in their private life back, but also in the public areas of life, so that they might actualize his administration in this public areas. Therefore Thielicke would not perform a sociological discussion and a ecclesiastical poltics with the topic of public mission. He would rather deal with anthropology and with pastoral theology. Consequently, the church can not normalize the publicity on behalf of God's commandments, but it has only to make people responsible for the publicity which actualizes all the relationships of realty.
II. Die Personalität der Kirche
III. Der Ansatz des Öffentllichkeitsauftrags
IV. Kriterium für den Öffentlichkeitsauftrag der Kirche
V. Schlußfolgerung