

스마트폰 탑재기술과 마케팅전략 연구 : TV광고를 중심으로


Analysis on Smart Phone Technology and Marketing Strategy : Focused on TV Commercial Advertisement

이로운, 한정희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to present a direction for the efficient TV commercial marketing strategy at the market by analyzing the relationship between technology and the smart-phones’ TV commercial especially ‘iPhone series’ and ‘galaxy S series’. As the results of the factor analysis of the hardwares, slogans and TV commercial for the target smart-phones, TV commercial is the way of the expression for the technology through the meaning of the value. And the meaning of value is defined by reclassifying the expression technique of each scene of TV commercial into nouns and adjectives. Setting a slogan is very important because it is making memorable motto or phrase for the consumer and it decide the image of the product. So the correct configuration of the slogan is a keystone that is important for creating a TV commercial and has a profound impact on product image formation.


1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 하드웨어적 기술력 분석
2.2 슬로건 분석
2.3 TV광고 분석
3. 요약 및 결론


  • 이로운 Ro-Woon Lee. 홍익대학교 스마트도시과학경영대학원
  • 한정희 Jung-Hee, Han. 홍익대학교 스마트도시과학경영대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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