

얼굴추출 및 인식 영상정보 시스템 상용화 성공요인 분석


A Factor Analysis for the Success of Commercialization of the Facial Extraction and Recognition Image Information System

김신표, 오세동

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This Study aims to analyze the factors for the success of commercialization of the facial extraction and recognition image security information system of the domestic companies in Korea. As the results of the analysis, the internal factors for the success of commercialization of the facial extraction and recognition image security information system of the company were found to include (1) Holding of technology for close range facial recognition, (2) Holding of several facial recognition related patents, (3) Preference for the facial recognition security system over the fingerprint recognition and (4) strong volition of the CEO of the corresponding company. On the other hand, the external environmental factors for the success were found to include (1) Extensiveness of the market, (2) Rapid growth of the global facial recognition market, (3) Increased demand for the image security system, (4) Competition in securing of the engine for facial extraction and recognition and (5) Selection by the government as one of the 100 major strategic products.


 1. 서론
 2. 국내외 시장 현황
  2.1 시장의 정의
  2.2 국내외 시장 동향
  2.3. 국내외 업체 동향
 3. 시장규모 전망
  3.1 세계 시장 전망
  3.2 국내 시장 전망
 4. 시장의 특성 분석
  4.1 산업의 특징
  4.2 수요처 및 특성
  4.3 얼굴인식 기술의 국제 규격
  4.4 관련 정책 및 제도
 5. 시장의 성공요인 및 시장 진입전략
  5.1 시장의 성공요인 분석
  5.2 시장진입 성공 전략
 6. 결론


  • 김신표 Shin-Pyo Kim. 금오공과대학교 컨설팅대학원 초빙교수
  • 오세동 Se-Dong Oh. ㈜에버가드 대표이사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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