

한국의 가임여성이 저출산에 미치는 영향연구


A Study on the Effects of Fertile Women on the Low Fertility in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to a study on the effects of fertile women on the low fertility in Korea. It is designed to research a model and established hypothesis with emphasis on major variables based on theoretical discussions. However, the result of the study is as follows. Firstly, this brought in delivery avoid phenomenon thus resulting in lower delivery phenomenon. The government should propose reasonable solutions to persuade female personal value and important elements of delivery rate at the same time. Secondly, Patriarchal stereotypes weighting household labor to female traditionally pressures working female with double burden as dual stance of work and family worsen the delivery will. Such atmosphere within a family generates female with an ability to get pregnancy to avoid marriage and delivery. Lastly, the research has pointed out the delivery support policy as most ineffective policy among government policies. To solve this problem, the government policy to recover delivery rate must be reviewed continuously and to be exercised immediately.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 2. 이론적 검토
  2.1 저출산의 배경
  2.2 저출산 원인에 영향을 미치는 요인
 3. 연구방법
  3.1 연구모형
  3.2 가설설정
  3.3 표본설계 및 측정도구
  3.4 자료분석방법
 4. 연구결과
  4.1 배경 변인별 분석
  4.2 가설의 분석검증결과
  4.3 가설의 요약과 해석
 5. 결론
  5.1 연구의 요약
  5.2 연구의 한계
  5.3 정책적 함의


  • 공명숙 Myeong-Suk Kong. 가천대학교 교양학부 외래교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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