

인권의 관점에서 다문화 교육의 문제점과 개선방향에 관한 기술적 연구


Study on the improvement of the technical issues and multicultural education from the perspective of human rights

신경주, 신명철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The significance of the research is to leverage on the policy makers and school education, and research in terms of human rights issues and for the improvement of multicultural education by seeking an effective training plan with the purpose of the present study it. The efforts to address human rights issues through real multicultural care center starts with the question of human rights education in multicultural education methodology that can protect the human rights of migrant workers, immigrant youth in a multicultural society such situation in Korea by. Accordingly we suggest that it is appropriate to human rights education in the moral multicultural care center for human rights education. Cant because the regular students on the basis of morality that respects the human rights of migrant workers, immigrant adolescents 'human rights' training done 'pursue human rights' migrant worker, immigrant youth in their own rights, as well as multicultural education is through morality The Seen to suggest ways through the development of multicultural education issues and the results of these studies.


 1. 서론
 2. 다문화인권교육실태
  2.1 주요 국제인권규약과 다문화교육
  2.2 다문화 교육과 인권
  2.3 다문화 인권교육의 구성
 3. 다문화 인권교육의 개선방안
  3.1 다수 대상자 교육
  3.2 체계적이고 지속적인 다문화교육
  3.3. 배려를 통한 인권교육
 4. 결론 및 제언


  • 신경주 Kyoung-Jou Shin. 김포시육아종합지원센터 센터장
  • 신명철 Myoung-Chul Shin. 서울사회복지대학원대학교 평생교육원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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