



Research on Several Points of Modern Chinese Final



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The academic community generally believes that there are 39 finals in modern Chinese, including 10 monophthong vowels, 13 diphtong vowels, and 16 nasal vowels. The monophthong vowels are divided into seven dorsal vowels (a[A], o[o], e[ɤ], ê[ε], i[i], u[u], ü[y]) and 3 apical vowels (-i [ɿ], -i [ʅ], er [ɐɹ]). In the process of Chinese teaching, we found that there are some problems in Chinese vowels studied by scholars. Firstly, is there monophthong vowel ê[ε] in Chinese? ê[ε] does not combine with consonants, but only with four tones to form different syllables. In addition, the syllables formed by ê[ε] are also used only for the interjection “欸”, and these pronunciations have the same sound [ei]. Therefore, we believe that there is no monophonic vowel ê[ε] in the modern Chinese phonetic system. Secondly, is there monophthong vowel o[o] in Chinese? The o[o] of modern Chinese is not combined with initials. Only a few Zero initials are read o[o] vowels, these words are interjections, such as 喔, 噢, 嚄, 嚄, etc. They generally have another sounds. Therefore, we believe that there is no monophthong vowel o[o] in the modern Chinese phonetic system. Thirdly, is er a monophthong vowel? It appears changing tongue and lip when pronunciating er, so er is not a monophthong vowel. We think that its syllable value should be [ɐɹ]. [ɐɹ] is the combination of the central vowel [ɐ] and the approximant [ɹ]. Approximant [ɹ] makes us to pronunciate a central vowel [ɐ] followed by a rolling tongue action, but the active articulator of the pronunciation did not touch the passive articulator. Fourthly, ong is unrounded articulation or rounded articulation? We believe that the syllable value of ong is [uŋ], which is a combination of the nuclear vowel [u] and the coda [ŋ]. Therefore, ong[uŋ] is the rounded articulation, not the unrounded articulation. Fifthly, iong belongs to any kind of four articulations. The syllable value of iong should be recorded as [yŋ], which is a combination of the nuclear vowel [y] and the coda [ŋ]. Iong[yŋ] is the articulation with [y] as medial or main vowel.


 1. 汉语有没有单元音韵母ê?
 2. 汉语有没有单元音韵母o[o]?
 3. er是不是单元音韵母?
 4. ong是开口呼还是合口呼?
 5. iong属于四呼中的哪一种?
 6. 结语
 About the Authors


  • 阮廷贤 원정현. 河内国家大学下属外国语大学中国语言文化系


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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