

중국 魏晉시기 문벌귀족의 혼인관 연구


The View of Nobles on Marriage in the Period of Wei-Jin Dynasties

중국 위진시기 문벌귀족의 혼인관 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Marriage is not only the basic organizational unit of human beings, but also the ability to unite the bonds of human society. No form of marriage is accidental, nor can it exist outside of society. Married peoples across the globe also have their own unique culture and backgrounds. The various forms of interracial marriage originated in the process of various cultural factors throughout the course of each history. Any common practice that marriage can manifest in every society surely has certain advantages. The marriage between the clans of marriages has played a vital role in maintaining the upkeep and retention of social groups. Marriage is reflected in the social sense and the spirit of society, and it is bound to affect the mood and mood of the society. The regime in Wei-Jin Dynasties and Southern and Northern Dynasties changed frequently in the history of China. Social unrest is pregnant with mind emancipation, cultural prosperity and national integration. In the feudal society, the concept of nobles superiority is rooted in people's minds. Marriage concept and marriage life changed quietly. Nobles marriage becomes the mainstream form of marriage in Wei-Jin Dynasties. Concept of marriage for nobles has also been influenced by the open social atmosphere, which is embodied in the marriage option, family status, and marital life and so on. The author mainly discusses the marriage concept and state in Wei-Jin Dynasties from the perspective of nobles. The main part focuses on marriage concept of nobles in Wei-Jin Dynasties. In this period, nobles and social status improved significantly. Marriage life is an important part of human society. In this period Wei-Jin Dynasties because of their special economic and political positions and in order to maintain their noble status and linage, the nobles attached great importance to family status when choosing a spouse. However as tie went by this attitude towards marriage which at first was reasonable to some extent appeared to be disadvantageous and detrimental to the nobles and accelerated their decline.


 1. 머리말
 2. 魏晉시기 문벌혼인의 양상
  2.1 문벌정치의 등장
  2.2 문벌 간의 혼인
 3. 맺음말
 About the Authors


  • 김진영 Kim, Jinyoung. 인덕대학교 중국어학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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