

중국 민속문헌을 통해본 당대(唐代) 세시풍속 연구


A Study on Seasonal Customs of Tang Dynasty era in view of Chinese Folk Literary Documents


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper features the seasonal customs of the era of Tang Dynasty, based on the classification between the traditional and the new festivities, regarding a series of historical documents such as “Yiwenleiju”, “Chuxueji”, “Baikongliutie” and “Suihuajili”. Comparing with “Jingchusuishiji” the festivals celebrated during the period of Tang Dynasty are rich in its contents and styles, with the introduction of new elements in the course of its successive evolution. The traditional festivals, generally concentrated on the first half of the year, are consisted of some 21 rituals. They are for New Year; Yuanri, Renri, Lichun, Shangsi; on February 8th, Sheri, Hanshi, Shangsi; on April 8th, Duanwu, Zhaojie, Furi, Qixi, Zhongyuan, Chongyang, Dongzhi, Lari, Suichu, Dapu, Sanchangzhaiyue. Usually there are a good number of rituals during the month of January. There are 5 new festivals, such as Zhonghuajie, Jiangsheng, Qingming, Zhongqiu and Danjie. The festivities in times of Tang Dynasty are generally based on popular beliefs with the characteristics of Buddhism and Taoism. But sometimes the mixed phenomena of Buddhists and Taoists are also observed. The seasonal customs of the Tang Dynasty are characterized by the celebration at both inside or outside of one’s home always regarding the “Changan”. One can easily note that the Buddhist color is much stronger than that of Taoism, unlike the past period and the seasonal foods are in general vegetarian diet. If traditionally the religious beliefs were prevalent, some ritual and seasonal customs are shown to be gradually combined. The Tang period is known to have attained the golden days in terms of “Youyi”, the recreational performances, in which government officials and public in general took part to enjoy actively the physical and recreational activities. This was the period when the customs of what they called the barbarians were merged and the wide openness was shown. During this period, the “Xieyinguanxi”, which is the characteristic of Chinese phonetics with respect to the intonation in its scales, was actively distinguished. The literary works also were widely known based on the historical events and persons, together with the mythological legends. One may observe some new elements and the newly established festive days influenced mainly by “Gaozu”, “Xuanzong” and “Dezong”. The personality who rendered the major influence on the adoption of new festivities was King “Xuanzong”, who was known to have a profound devotion to Taoism and also to arts in general. The festivals established in times of Tang period are celebrating until today, as a model of the seasonal customs of China.


본고는 『예문유취(藝文類聚)』·『초학기(初學記)』·『백공육첩(白孔六貼)』·『세화기려(歲華紀麗)』를 통해 나타난 중국 당대(唐代)의 세시풍속을 전통절일과 신흥절일로 분류 고찰하였다. 전통절일은 원일, 인일, 입춘, 상원, 회일, 2월 8일, 사일(社日), 한식, 상사, 4월 8일, 단오, 조절(朝節), 복일, 칠석, 중원, 중양, 동지, 납일, 세제(歲除), 대포(大酺)ㆍ삼장재월(三長齋月) 등 21여조로 정월 행사가 가장 풍성하다. 신흥절일은 중화절, 강성절(降聖節), 청명, 중추, 탄절(誕節)로 5조다. 총 26여조의 당대 절일은 민간신앙을 바탕으로 불교․도교의 성격을 지닌 종교절일을 포함한다. 세시활동의 목적은 경축과 벽사진경(辟邪進慶)을 추구하며 절기를 반영한다. 당시 새로운 습속으로 원일․동지, 한식ㆍ청명, 탄일ㆍ제 경절, 납ㆍ하지, 상원ㆍ중원 절일에 법정휴일이 주어져 총 40-50여일 쉰다. 특징은 후대와 달리 도교보다 불교적 색채가 강하고 절식은 소식(素食) 위주이다. 전대가 신앙중심이라면 점차 예속과 풍속이 결합되는 양상을 보인다. 당대는 중국 고대 유예 발전사상 최고의 전성기로 체육 오락문화 활동이 활발했다. 당시 유입된 호속(胡俗)과 융합되어 개방성을 보이며, 한어(漢語)의 특징인 해음관계(諧音關係)가 적극 반영된다. 역사적 사건이나 인물고사를 동반하기도 하며 신화전설을 포함해 문예적 성격이 강하다. 당대 절일의 새로운 요소 첨가와 신흥절일 성립에 있어 고조ㆍ현종ㆍ덕종 등이 중요한 영향을 끼쳤다. 특히 예술을 사랑했던 현종은 주도적인 역할을 담당한다. 당대의 절일은 후대까지 전승되어 중국 세시풍속의 전범이 된다.


<논문 요약>
 1. 서론
 2. 전통절일
 3. 신흥절일
 4. 결론
 <참고 문헌>


  • 상기숙 Sang, Key-sook. 한서대 중국학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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