


Color Comparison between Korean and Foreign-made Base Makeup Products


국가별 베이스 메이크업 제품의 색상 비교

In Jung, In-Sook An, Sungkwan An

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the complexion preference of Korean women by comparing the colors of Korean and foreign-made base makeup products. Methods: A square test area measuring 2×2 cm was marked on a Bioskin plate for comparison of “before” and “after” measurements. The before data were measured using a spectrophotometer in triplicate at the same position to take into account any deviation. L*a*b* values for Korean and foreign-made products were measured, and the mean and standard deviation were calculated and compared for significance. Results: The L* improvement rates of the Korean products were higher than those of foreign-made products (23.5% versus 9.1%), and the a* improvement rates of the Korean products were also higher (27.2% versus 23.0%), but the b* improvement rates of the Korean products were lower than those of the foreign-made products (17.3% versus 32.3%). Conclusion: Korean products better reflect Korean consumers’ preference for toning up. The imported products featured a transparent and natural color development. Traditionally, European companies have focused on the needs of people with whiter skin than Asians, and therefore, the imported products might be toned to mask yellow complexions as much as possible and develop bluish tones.


목적: 국내에 출시된 한국산 및 수입산 베이스 메이크업 제품의 색상을 비교함으로써 커버력에 대한 효과를 측정하고자 한다. 방 법: L* a* b* 값의 비교를 위해 Bioskin plate에서 분광광도계를 이용하여 전후 데이터를 측정하고, 각 국가 별 제품의 평균 수치와 표 준 편차를 계산하였으며, 통계로 검증하였다. 결과: 한국산 제품의 밝기는 23.5%로 수입산 제품인 9.1%에 비해 높은 것으로 나타 났으며, 붉은기 커버력도 한국산 제품이 27.2%로 수입산 제품인 23.0%에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났으나, 노란기 커버력은 한국산 제품이 17.3%로 수입산 제품인 32.3%에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 한국산 제품은 한국 여성의 선호도를 반영한 밝기와 붉 은기 커버력에서 강점을 보였고, 수입산 제품은 상대적으로 더 내추럴하게 발색되는 서양인의 선호도가 반영된 것으로사 료된다.


目的: 比较韩国推出的韩国产和进口基础彩妆产品的颜色,测定其覆盖效果。方法: 为了比较L* a* b*值,使用分 光光度计在Bioskin plate上测量数据,计算各国家产品的平均值和标准偏差,并用统计验证。结果: 韩国产品 的亮度改善率高于国外产品(23.5%对9.1%),韩国产品的红色覆盖改善率也较高(27.2%对23.0%),但韩 国产品的黄色覆盖改善率低于国外产品(17.3%和32.3%)。结论: 韩国产品更能体现韩国女性的喜好,在亮 度和红色覆盖方面占优势,进口产品具有透明和自然的颜色发展,更能体现西洋人的喜好。


  1. Instruments and materials
  2. Research product selection criteria
  3. Measurement method
  4. Instrumental analysis method
  5. Data analysis method
  1. L*a*b* values and improvement rates among Korean products
  2. L*a*b* values and improvement rates among Foreign-made products
  3. Comparison of effectiveness in lightness
  4. Comparison of effectiveness in covering redness
  5. Comparison of effectiveness in covering yellowness


  • In Jung 정인. Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, Korea Institute of Dermatological Sciences, Seoul, Korea
  • In-Sook An 안인숙. Korea Institute of Dermatological Sciences, Seoul, Korea
  • Sungkwan An 안성관. Department of Cosmetics Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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