


현대중국어 ‘V1着1+V2[술어]’ 구조의 着1 중ㆍ한 대조 분석


A Chinese and Korean Contrastive Analysis of ‘zhe1(着1)’ in ‘V1着1+V2[Predicate]’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The syntactic structure ‘verb1+zhe(着1)+verb2[Predicate]’ in Modern Mandarin Chinese is a special construction that shares the same subject, comprises two or more consecutive verbs or verbal phrases. In ‘verb1+zhe(着1)+verb2[Predicate]’, ‘verb1+zhe(着1)’ functions as the adverbial of the whole sentence, but ‘verb2’ functions as the predicate of the whole sentence. This article covers a Korean and Chinese contrastive analysis of ‘zhe1(着1)’ and its related structures appearing in the Modern Mandarin Chinese syntax structure. The results of this research are as follows. First, ‘zhe1(着1)’ cluster in Chinese is an adverb of Korean (derived affix) and acts as an adverbial. Second, ‘zhe1(着1)’ cluster in Chinese is adverbial as case particle[noun + noun survey] of Korean. Third, ‘zhe1(着1)’ cluster in Chinese is adverbial as a dependent noun cluster(connection expression). Fourth, ‘zhe1(着1)’ cluster in Chinese acts as an adverbial predicate endings in Korean[endings of a lingual language: an adverbial ending, a connecting ending]. In conclusion, ‘zhe1(着1)’ is a quasi-structural particle in Modern Mandarin Chinese syntactic structures and it acts as an adverbial to modulate predicates. If you look at the meaning of ‘zhe1(着1)’, it has an episememe and various semantic features such as [+HOW], [+continuation], [+concurrence], [+simultaneous], [+connection], [+cause] etc. Based on the above research results, the study could be expanded to an Chinese syntactic structure with ‘le(了)’ of the ‘verb1+le(了)+verb2[Predicate]’ in Modern Mandarin Chinese. For example, ‘le(了)’ of the the Chinese sentence “Wǒmen chīle fàn zài zǒu ba.(我们吃了饭再走 吧。)”. In future research, I believe the ‘verb1+le(了)’ of ‘verb1+le(了)+verb2[Predicate]’ structuer will also serve as a quasi-structural particle in Modern Mandarin Chinese syntactic structures.


1. 머리말
 2. 선행 연구 검토
 3. ‘着1’의 통사 및 의미 중ㆍ한 대조 분석
  3.1. ‘着1’의 통사구조 중ㆍ한 대조 분석
  3.2. ‘着1’의 의미 중ㆍ한 대조 분석
 4. 맺음말


  • 장호득 Chang, Ho-Deug. 단국대학교 외국어대학 중국어과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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