

Effect of experience to language on speech-in-noise recognition for Korean L2 speakers


Dong-Jin Shin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of the current study is to investigate whether experience to target language influences speech-in-noise recognition ability. Specifically, we examine whether interlanguage benefit between the talker and listener in speech-in-noise recognition is affected by listeners' experience to the target language. Thirty-six Korean learners of English living in the U.K. (high experience group) and 30 Korean learners of English living in Korea (low experience group) participated in a speech-in-noise recognition task as well as a vowel recognition task. The results found that there was no significant difference in speech-in-noise recognition between the two groups. However, we also found that the low experience group identified Korean-accented English better than L1-accented speech, whereas high experience group identified L1-accented speech better. This strongly indicates that the exposure to the target language affects the interlanguage benefit. We also found that the vowel identification accuracy and speech-in-noise test was strongly correlated regardless of the accent of stimuli. It meant that the subjects who recognize the English vowel better also showed the higher accuracy of speech-in-noise recognition ability. In sum, this study was able to reveal that experience to the target language affects the speech-in-noise recognition ability, and other perceptual abilities like vowel identification is also related to the speech-in-noise recognition.


 I. Introduction
 II. Method
  2.1. Participants
  2.2. Stimuli
  2.3. Procedure
 III. Results
  3.1. Effect of the exposure to English on the speech-in-noise recognition
  3.2. Effect of noise level on the speech-in-noise recognition abilities
 IV. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Dong-Jin Shin Jeonju University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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