

Irony와 의사소통, 그리고 적합성


Irony, Communication and Relevance


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The goal of this paper is to make a pragmatic account of irony used not only as a verbo-pictorial form but also as a visual (i.e. non-verbo pictorial) one in some commercial advertisements. Traditionally, irony has been defined as a type of rhetorical trope, which expresses something opposite of what was actually said (see Van Enschot, Hoeken and Van Mulken 2006). Relating to the nature of irony, Searle (1979: 113) holds that ‘the hearer is compelled to reinterpret it in such a way as to render it appropriate, and the most natural way to interpret it is as meaning the opposite of its literal form.’ However, these viewpoints on irony stay just in the dimension of rhetorical mechanism. Colston and O’Brien (2000) hold that when irony is realised in commercial advertisements where the advertiser guides the consumers to purchase his products or services, it may yield more effects than other figurative mechanisms (e.g., metaphor, metonymy). In this paper, following Relevance Theory (henceforth, RT), which views the nature of irony as ‘echoic mentioning + rejection or dissociation,’ I examine how it is processed and why it is more powerful than literal language in the circumstances of real commercial advertisements. At last, I verify that this approach well explicates the case in which visual irony is used as well as the one in which verbo-pictorial (i.e., multimodal) is shown, employing a single principle of relevance, and this paper contributes to reinforcing the theoretical expandability of RT by proposing more economic way of explaining not only verbo-pictorial but also visual irony.


 I. 서론 (연구의 목적)
 II. 선행 연구 검토 (화용론은 아이러니를 어떻게 정의하는가?)
  2.1 아이러니에 대한 (Neo-)Griceans의 접근
  2.2 적합성원리와 아이러니 해석
  2.3 아이러니에 대한 다른 화용론적 접근들
 III. 광고에서의 아이러니 사용
  3.1 광고의 정의와 본질
  3.2 광고에서 사용되는 언어: 축어적 언어 vs. 비유적 언어
  3.3 광고에서 사용되는 아이러니의 특징들
 IV. 사례 연구
  4.1 광고에 사용된 Verbo-Pictorial Irony - “침대는 가구가 아니다.”
  4.2 광고에 사용된 시각적 (non-verbal) 아이러니 – FedEx
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 김대영 Kim, Dae-Young. 전주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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