

The Owl and the Nightingale : Both Sinners


Woong-Jae Shin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The critics have varied in their judgments on the two birds's merits in The Owl and the Nightingale. Some decided in favor of the flippant Nightingale. Others leaned toward the grave Owl. Still others maintained the balance between the two. However, this paper's interpretation of the poem is to condemn both birds as sinners in terms of Christianity. First of all, the Nightingale's song of carnal love leads people to lust and lechery, often causing them to commit adultery. She also commits the sin of judging or finding faults with others. On the other hand, the Owl's nocturnal habit, cursing the light and loving darkness, was condemned as evil in the medieval period. To predict misfortune, she also practices either astrology or sorcery which was considered impious and prohibited in the Bible. Moreover, she justifies adultery and prefers revenge to forgiveness. In addition, the two birds are both malicious, foul-mouthed, and extremely proud. The poem thus condemns the two birds alike so as to caution the reader against their numerous sins.


 Works Cited


  • Woong-Jae Shin Kwangwoon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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