

Design and Implementation of Salivary Electrical Stimulator for xerostomia




After 40 years of age, the saliva glands are aged and the saliva is not made enough to cause xerostomia symptoms. Side effects such as hypertension medication or diuretics that the elderly take mainly can cause xerostomia syndrome. In addition, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, anemia, depression and other common diseases that cause xerostomia symptoms. If the saliva secretion is insufficient, tooth decay and gum disease are likely to occur, and the digestive ability of the saliva is also reduced due to the lack of amylase, which is a digestive element. Once the degenerated salivary gland is restored to its normal state, it is difficult to recover. In this paper, we give electrical stimulation to the masseter which is in contact with the large pituitary gland, and stimulate the salivary gland to the utmost by using speech recognition using words corresponding to oral gymnastics. Use the STM32F407VG to implement a system to relieve xerostomia.


 1. Introduction
 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1 Scenario
  2.2 Electric stimulator unit
  2.3 Voice recognition section
  2.4 Electrical Stimulator Section
  2.5 Speech Recognition
 3. Results and Discussion


  • Jihyeon Lee Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University, Korea
  • Hojun Yeom Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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