

A Study on Object Detection in Region-of-Interest Algorithm using Adjacent Frames based Image Correction Algorithm for Interactive Building Signage



Recently, due to decrease hardware prices and the development of technology, analog signage has been changing to digital signage for providing content such as advertisements, videos. Furthermore, in order to provide advertisements and contents to users more effectively, technical researches are being conducted in various industries. In addition, including digital signage that uses displays, it can be seen that it provides advertisements and contents using diverse devices such as LED signage, smart pads, and smart phones. However, most digital signage is installed in one place to provide contents and provides interactivity through simple events such as manual content provision or touch. So, in this paper, we suggest a new object detection algorithm based on an adjacent frames based image correction algorithm for interactive building signage.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Object Detection in Region-of-Interest Algorithm using Adjacent Frames based Image Correction Algorithm for Interactive Building Signage
  3.1 The Concept of The Proposed Algorithm
  3.2 Flow chart of The Proposed Algorithm
 4. Conclusion


  • Jonghyeok Lee Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea
  • Jinyeong Choi Dept. of Media IT Engineering, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea
  • Jaesang Cha Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea


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