

A Study on SSDP protocol based IoT / IoL Device Discovery Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Interworking Smart Home



The spread of IoT (Internet of Things) technology that connects objects based on wired / wireless networks is accelerating, and IoT-based smart home technology that constitutes a super connected network connecting sensors and home appliances existing inside and outside the home is getting popular. In addition, demand for alternative energy technologies such as photovoltaic power generation is rapidly increasing due to rapid increase of consumption of energy resources. Recently, small solar power systems for general households as well as large solar power systems for installation in large buildings are being introduced, but they are effectively implemented due to limitations of small solar panels and lack of power management technology. In this paper, we have studied smart home structure and IoT / IoL device discovery algorithm for energy harvesting system based on photovoltaic power generation, It is possible to construct an efficient smart home system for device control.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1 Preliminary research on energy harvesting technology based on solar power generation for smart home structure
  2.2 Analysis of IoT / IoL based communication scheme for smart home network construction
  2.3 Protocol analysis for smart home based IoT / IoL devices
 3. Research of smart home structure with energy harvesting
 4. Research of IoT / IoL device discovery algorithm applicable to smart home
 5. Conclusion


  • Jonghyeok Lee Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea
  • Jungdo Han Dept. of Integrated IT Engineering, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea
  • Jaesang Cha Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech., Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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